Saturday, March 13, 2010

Samsung NX10 Review


If you missed my first post on the camera, here is another review and sample shots of it. The camera is great like I said perviously. A great advantage to the traditional DSLR is the compact size, however I have my reservations. The camera seems to have a flickering effect when shooting video, you can see that evident in the video I took indoors with the pancake lens at a local bookstore in Auckland especially when I was approaching store lighting closely. As indicated by the camera's manual the maximum continuos video shooting you can do is 25mins, which is good enough. Thats to allow the sensor to rest and not overheat. Still photography is great and next to none in its class and competes with higher end DSLRs as far as I am concerned. My Nikon D300 had a simmilar quality photos to this camera. A major drawback is the lack of support of Samsung Raw files on the Mac platform. Something professional photographers might frown upon. The camera would probably sell for around the NZ $1000 mark comparatively to the Aus $899 price tag. Overall I'd say this is the best point and shoot camera you'd have except that its a lot more than that. This is the camera you'd carry around with you most of the time, hence produce a lot more photos than those carrying the bulk of the traditional DSLR carnage but still produce similar results. I personally love it, and with few tweaks and further firmware upgrades from Samsung I see this new hybrid format blowing up big. My rating is 3.9/5.


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